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Email: info@consulting-glutenfree.com

Marco Scaglione Chef Senza Glutine & C. Sas

P.iva 06520820488

Free From


Professional consultancy for the formulation of gluten free, lactose free, nickel free foods and much more

Free from foods represent an important reality in the current market, characterized by high attention in terms of food safety and production processes, in order to meet the needs of an ever increasing number of consumers.

The purpose of free from food is to go to meet the needs of those who suffer from intolerances, without forcing them to renounce the pleasures of good food. The demand and consequently the sale of these products has seen a remarkable growth year after year and it is estimated that in 2018 the free from products we have represented almost 20% of all those present on the market with an increase in sales compared to the previous year of 17 , 6%. The analysis also shows that 1 Italian out of 4 buys gluten free products, however only 6.4% do so for health reasons, while a quarter of consumers prefer lactose-free foods, and 18% choose those without yeast.

The constant research, the improvement of the taste of the products, the quality of the raw materials and the choice of the latter, translates into a supply of food that is more good and satisfying for the consumer. The key to success in these terms lies in being able to find valid substitutes for the allergen to be eliminated. This factor is what usually represents a real challenge for companies that sometimes, lacking the necessary know-how, have difficulty in finding the ideal formulations for the production of free-from-food.

Alongside this aspect there is also the verification of the production processes, so that these are safe and without any risk of contamination by allergens. This last aspect is in fact extremely important not so much in the intolerant, as in subjects allergic to certain foods or for products intended for coeliacs.


Gluten free, lactose free and without eggs are just some of the most sought after free foods in the food products on the market and, consequently, those for which companies choose to invest more in research and development. The certification process of these foods is in fact extremely complex and must be included in the fees established by the regulations in force to be considered really free from.

Thanks to many years of experience in the food sector, especially in the world of gluten free, I am able to provide specific advice in the preparation of free from food, both as regards the process of product certification, and as regards the study of recipes suitable for the production of foods that are at the same time good, starting from quality and safe raw materials. Finally they are able to offer support also for the study of suitable production processes, in the course of which exclude any possible risk of contamination.

Alongside the research and development department, I will focus on studying safe and suitable, but above all good, free and suitable solutions, able to attract more and more consumers towards the single brand.

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