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Email: info@consulting-glutenfree.com

Marco Scaglione Chef Senza Glutine & C. Sas

P.iva 06520820488

ATM - modified Atmosphere


Professional consulting in the preparation of food to store in modified atmosphere

The growing demand for fresh products and ready-has induced the companies to adopt conservation technologies, innovative and able to ensure the healthiness of foods, while maintaining unaltered the properties, but, above all, to increase the life of a business.


One of these techniques is the preservation of a modified atmosphere (ATM), also referred to as Modified Atmosphere Packaging (MAP). This technique involves the replacement of the air with a gas mixture that allow you to increase the storage period (shelf life) of the same, in particular of perishable products. The main gases used in this process are nitrogen, oxygen, and carbon dioxide, also called gas packing.


Choose to orient their production towards products ATM will help to greatly extend the maturity of the product, while maintaining sensory properties thanks to the action of inhibitory and bacteriostatic of the gases used in this process. As a result of this also the taste, appearance and nutritional properties are unaltered with respect to pre-packaging.

Fresh Pasta, pizza, sausages and ready meals can be stored in a modified atmosphere, but also bread, meat and cheese. Taking into consideration these information it is therefore easy to understand how the ATM industry can be used almost anywhere.


Thanks to the experience matured in the food sector, are able to provide advice and assistance for the products to be retained in a modified atmosphere to companies and small craft businesses, as well as in the real process of realization of this technique, and for the formulation of products able to maintain unchanged their characteristics. Not only it is important to the production process, but also the realization of products which are really good, able to conquer and retain the consumer. My figure of the expert advisor and the chef will be to support the research and development team in the formulation of ad hoc recipes and for the storage in modified atmosphere.

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